The NFL's Brazilian Conundrum: Safety Concerns in Sao Paulo

The NFL is set to bring its brand of American football to Sao Paulo, Brazil, but concerns about safety and security are mounting. Can the organization ensure the safety of players, staff, and spectators amidst a surge in police killings and gang violence?
The NFL's Brazilian Conundrum: Safety Concerns in Sao Paulo

The NFL’s Brazilian Conundrum: Safety Concerns in Sao Paulo

As the NFL prepares to bring its brand of American football to Sao Paulo, Brazil, concerns are mounting about the safety of players, staff, and spectators alike. The city, which will host a regular season game between the Eagles and Packers, is grappling with a surge in police killings, with 43 people killed by police in the first two months of 2024.

Operation Summer: A Recipe for Disaster?

The authorities’ response to the rising crime rate has been to launch Operation Summer, a crackdown on organized gangs, particularly the PPC, the largest gang in Sao Paulo. While the government claims the operation is aimed at controlling gangs, critics argue that it is a recipe for disaster, with the police relying on repressive tactics that put innocent lives at risk.

Police presence in Sao Paulo

The NFL’s Dilemma

So, how will the NFL organization address the potential security issues that may arise during the game? Will they be able to ensure the safety of everyone involved, or will they be forced to take drastic measures to mitigate the risks?

NFL logo

A City of Passion and Rivalries

Sao Paulo is a city of passion, where soccer is a way of life. The Corinthians Arena, home of the Brazilian soccer team Corinthians, will host the Eagles-Packers game. However, Corinthians’ primary rival is Palmeiras, a team known for its distinctive green uniforms. This has led to a peculiar warning for fans: avoid wearing green, as it is often associated with gang affiliations or rival soccer clubs.

Corinthians Arena

A Global Market

Brazil is an important market for the NFL, with over 38 million fans, 8.3 million of whom are considered devoted fans. The game in Sao Paulo is one of five regular season games to be played internationally in 2024. As the NFL continues to expand its global reach, it must navigate the complexities of different cultures and environments.

NFL fans in Brazil


The NFL’s foray into Brazil is a bold move, but it comes with its challenges. As the organization prepares to bring American football to the masses, it must also contend with the harsh realities of the Brazilian security situation. One thing is certain: the game in Sao Paulo will be a unique and unforgettable experience for all involved.

NFL in Brazil