The NFL's Latest Hail Mary: Trying to Avoid a Massive Payout

The NFL is taking drastic measures to avoid a potential payout of billions of dollars in the Sunday Ticket lawsuit. The league is arguing that the jury's decision was flawed and that the damages figure is excessive.
The NFL's Latest Hail Mary: Trying to Avoid a Massive Payout
Photo by Cyrus Chew on Unsplash

The NFL’s Latest Hail Mary: Trying to Avoid a Massive Payout

As the NFL continues to navigate the treacherous waters of the Sunday Ticket lawsuit, the league is taking drastic measures to avoid a potential payout of billions of dollars. In a recent filing, the NFL is urging a court to halt the advancing case, citing concerns over the massive bond they would need to post in order to appeal.

The stakes are high, with the plaintiffs seeking a whopping $14.1 billion in damages. The NFL, however, is arguing that the jury’s decision was flawed and that the damages figure is excessive. The league is also contesting the proposed judgment, which would require them to post a bond to cover the potential damages.

A recent NFL game

The NFL’s concerns over the bond are twofold. Firstly, the league is worried that posting such a massive amount would be a significant financial burden. Secondly, they are concerned that it would give the plaintiffs an unfair advantage, allowing them to collect on the damages before the NFL has had a chance to appeal.

The league is also arguing that the court should not issue a judgment on the damages until there has been further deliberation on the issue of injunctive relief. This would require the NFL to alter its broadcasting arrangements, potentially offering cheaper and smaller packages to fans.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the case, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell remains confident in the league’s position. In a recent interview with CNBC, Goodell stated that the league “obviously disagrees” with the jury’s verdict, but emphasized that it’s a long process and that the NFL feels strongly about its policies, particularly when it comes to making the sport available to the broadest possible audience.

As the case continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the NFL is fighting hard to avoid a massive payout. But will their efforts be enough to sway the court’s decision?

What do you think about the NFL’s chances in this case? Let us know in the comments!

A Sunday afternoon game