The Power of Advanced Stats in the NFL

Discover the power of advanced stats in the NFL and how they can be used to gain an edge in fantasy football and sports betting.
The Power of Advanced Stats in the NFL
Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

The Power of Advanced Stats in the NFL

When it comes to understanding player performance in the NFL, traditional stats like yards and touchdowns only scratch the surface. Advanced stats, on the other hand, provide a deeper dive into a player’s performance, giving us a more accurate picture of their abilities. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of advanced stats, how they can be used in fantasy football and sports betting, and which stats are most important for running backs.

Rushing yards are important, but advanced stats tell the whole story

The Importance of Advanced Stats

Advanced stats, such as air yards, red zone targets, and expected completion percentage, give us a more detailed view of a player’s performance. By analyzing these stats, we can identify trends and patterns that may not be immediately apparent from traditional stats. For example, a receiver with a high air yards total may be due for a breakout game, even if their traditional stats don’t show it.

Advanced stats provide a more complete picture of player performance

Using Advanced Stats in Fantasy Football

In fantasy football, advanced stats can be a valuable tool for making informed decisions. By analyzing a player’s advanced stats, you can identify undervalued players who may be due for a breakout, or overvalued players who may be due for a decline. For example, a running back with a high inside five yard line rush percentage may be more likely to score touchdowns in the future.

Advanced stats can help you make informed decisions in fantasy football

Using Advanced Stats in Sports Betting

Advanced stats can also be used to gain an edge in sports betting. By analyzing a team’s or player’s advanced stats, you can identify areas where they may have an advantage or disadvantage. For example, a team with a high expected completion percentage may be more likely to cover the spread in a given game.

Advanced stats can give you an edge in sports betting

The Most Important Advanced Stats for Running Backs

When it comes to running backs, there are several advanced stats that are particularly important. These include inside five yard line rush percentage, red zone targets, and expected rushing yards. By analyzing these stats, you can get a better sense of a running back’s true value and potential for success.

These advanced stats are key for running backs


Advanced stats are a powerful tool for understanding player performance in the NFL. By analyzing these stats, we can gain a deeper understanding of the game and make more informed decisions in fantasy football and sports betting. Whether you’re a casual fan or a serious fantasy football player, advanced stats are an essential part of the equation.

Advanced stats are essential for understanding the NFL