The Unseen Struggle of Elite Athletes: Matt Forte's Journey with Mental Health

Matt Forte, former Chicago Bears running back, opens up about his struggles with mental health and the impact of injuries on his overall well-being. He shares his journey and offers advice to current players on prioritizing their mental health.
The Unseen Struggle of Elite Athletes: Matt Forte's Journey with Mental Health

The Unseen Struggle of Elite Athletes: Matt Forte’s Journey with Mental Health

As a celebrated NFL star and former Chicago Bears running back, Matt Forte is no stranger to the pressures of performing at an elite level. But behind the scenes, Forte faced a different kind of challenge - one that many athletes endure in silence. In a candid conversation, Forte opened up about his struggles with mental health and the impact of injuries on his overall well-being.

Matt Forte celebrates his third-quarter touchdown during a game against the Miami Dolphins at Soldier Field on October 19, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois. Forte’s exceptional skills on the field often hid the invisible struggle he faced as an elite athlete.

“I had a high expectation of myself that was higher than what was required by the team,” Forte explained. The self-imposed pressure, combined with the stressors of playing in a professional sporting league, took a toll on his mental health at times. “It was a mental struggle where sometimes I would find myself angry for no reason,” he said.

Yet, Forte found solace in his faith, which became his anchor amidst the pressures. “Understanding and reading the gospel was therapy for me and it changed my perspective,” says Forte.

Forte’s ability to understand his self-worth was defined from within, rather than being determined by external factors. Forte’s self-awareness was crucial in maintaining his mental health.

Despite leading the NFL in rushing yards at the time, Forte experienced moments of doubt and frustration, particularly when financial disparities surfaced. “I was leading the NFL in rushing but was getting paid less than the punter,” says Forte. This caused him to question his value, as he experienced stress and mental toil at that time.

What kept him grounded was his ability to understand, “I can only control what I can control - what I say to the media and how I show up on the field - being emotionally aware of certain things was my solid rock foundation,” says Forte.

In terms of what NFL teams can do better to support players’ mental health, Forte suggests, “advocate for it and provide visibility of the importance of it.” He emphasizes that it’s important for players to learn and understand the value that optimizing one’s mental health can have.

Forte believes gaining mental clarity is crucial for consistent high performance and maintaining one’s overall well-being. Forte’s commitment to mental health extends beyond his NFL journey.

Although injuries are a part of any athlete’s career, Forte experienced emotional challenges alongside the physical injuries. “Every year as a running back, along with the ups and downs of football and trying to play at the elite level consistently, there’s the pressure on you to perform as well as to not get injured,” says Forte.

When asked when he started to understand that he had an identity outside of the sport, he says, “It’s when I got hurt and missed multiple games - I felt like I literally didn’t exist and so seeing the team operate as the Chicago Bears away from me, helped me to detach.” This detachment helped him begin the difficult but necessary process of finding his identity outside of the sport.

Transitioning out of the NFL was challenging for Forte, as it is for many athletes. His advice to current players emphasizes the importance of seeking support and building a community of like-minded individuals around you. “The one thing I would say is it’s important to understand that separating yourself into solitude is never going to help you - you only heal in community,” explains Forte.

Forte’s commitment to community extends beyond his NFL journey, as seen in his foundation, What’s Your Forte. Forte’s foundation aims to support young people in finding their strengths and purpose.

Through his lived experiences during his football career and transition out of the league, Forte encourages young athletes to prioritize their well-being, seek support, and remember that there is a meaningful purpose beyond the game.